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Emergency & Crisis Resources

Suicide Crisis Line

988 (Call or Text)

800-273-8255 (Call)


DASH (Diagnostic, Assessment, and Stabilization Hub)

(Walk-in Center, Open 24/7, 365 days per year)

Suffolk County Crisis Response

90 Adams Ave., Hauppauge, NY 11788 (631) 952-3333


CPEP (Comprehensive Psychiatric Emergency Program)

Stony Brook (Psychiatric ER) (631) 444-6050


24-hr. Substance Abuse Crisis Line

(631) 589-4144

(631) 979-1700


APS (Adult Protective Services)

(631) 854-3195


CPS (Child Protective Services)

(800) 342-3720


Long Island Crisis Center

(516) 679-1111


VIBES Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault

24-hr. Hotline (631) 360-3606


Rape Victims Crime Center 

(631) 332-9234


Violent & Hate Crimes Center

(631) 626-3156


Community Crisis Action Team

Family Service League (888) 375-2228


Joe’s Project for families affected by suicide

Family Service League (888) 375-2228


SC Dept. of Social Services

Emergency Services Hotline (631) 854-9100  (4:30pm-8 am)


SC Dept. of Social Services, Commissioner’s Response Unit

(631) 854-9935  (8am-4:30pm)


Sagamore Children’s Crisis Respite House

& Suffolk Crisis Respite Bed Network

(631) 370-1701


Children’s Home Based Crisis Intervention

(631) 920-8302

Medication Management

Coming soon!

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